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2013年上期林城镇二完小 四年级英语科第3周2(1)  

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2013年上期林城镇二完小 四年级英语科2(1)






2. Can you write in English? (Period 1)





   words: read, write, climb, letter. Can you…? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.


   New words, Can you…?




  some word cards, a recorder and a tape.





 Step1. Warming up

1.       Greetings.

2.       Sing the English songs.

3.       Do exercises:

Left, left, right, right, go, turnaround, jump, jump, jump.

Left, left, right, right, go , turnaround, run, run, run.

  Step2. Presentation and drill

1.       Draw these animals on the Bb :a lion, a bird, a monkey, a frog, a duck.

                  T: What can you see on the Bb?

                  S: I can see a lion / bird / monkey / frog / duck .

                  T: Can it run / fly / jump / swim / climb?

                  S: Yes, it can. / No, it can’t .

                  T: Can you run / fly / jump / swim / climb?

                  S: Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.


2.       Show the word cards and teach this:

Run, run, run, I can run.

Jump, jump, jump, I can jump.

Swim, swim, swim, I can swim.

Climb, climb, climb, I can climb.

Fly, fly, fly, I can’t fly.

3.       Point to the animals and the word cards

T: Run, run, run, can a lion run?

Ss: Yes, it can.

Play a game—Dragon game.

S1: Swim, swim, swim, can a bird swim?

S2: No, it can’t. Fly, fly, fly, can a monkey fly?

4.       Show a book to the Ss.

T: What’s this?

Ss: It’s a book.

T: Can a lion read a book?

Ss: No, it can’t.

T: Can you read a book?

Ss: Yes, we can.

T: Can you read a book, S1?

S1: Yes, I can.

T: He / she can read.

Teach the word read and these sentences:

I can read. You can read. He can read. She can read.

  5. T: Can you write, S2? (Do the action)

   S2: Yes, I can.

  Teach the word write and read this: Write, write, write in English.

   T: Can Lingling write in English? Open your books at Page5. Let’s look  and listen.

6.       Listen to Part A and answer the question.

7.       Get the Ss to read the text in pairs.

8.       Listen to Part B and read it.

          Step3.  Consolidation

1.       Make a dialogue in pairs

       S1;:Can you…?

       S2: Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

2.       Finish the Exx.

3.       Listen to the tape and recite the text.


































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